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thiemwork Germany

Are you looking for a partner for your marketing, your website or your online shop? thiemwork is the partner for innovators who shape the digital future and want to revolutionize their entire industry. People, relationships based on partnership and cooperation on equal terms are the heart of the digital transformation. In the future, man and machine will create great things hand in hand every day.


Big Bro Corporation United States

Big Bro has partnered with some of the best companies in the world, including
Meister, to help small businesses save time and money through technology and
business automation solutions. They are experts in crafting agile task
management processes, designing automation solutions, and integrating 3rd
party applications with MeisterTask resulting in increased productivity. They offer
business and software consulting services to small businesses.


Markus Wimmer Germany

Markus Wimmer is an audio nerd and IT freak with a knack for organisation. With «rurton» he has found his platform to implement your project creatively and
solution-oriented together with his team! With his online video course «MeisterTask for Musicians» he gives musicians in particular the tool to create more space for creativity.


App Design Spain

En App Design, Oliver ofrece servicios de diseño web y desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles. Él optimiza el proceso de desarrollo para sus clientes con tecnologías ágiles, utilizando MeisterTask para proporcionar un flujo de trabajo eficiente y transparente. Como un experto certificado en MeisterTask, él es capaz de ayudar a los clientes en la puesta en marcha de la herramienta y configurarla para adaptarse a sus necesidades.


Dr. Peter Aschenbrenner Germany

Dr. Peter Aschenbrenner is an expert on clarity. Together with his team, he supports organizations who are stuck and looking to become successful, quickly. More than anything, what you can expect from working with Dr. Aschenbrenner is clear, concise information and understandable content.


Manuel Paulfeuerborn – Tomik + Partner mbB Germany

As a tax consultancy and auditing company, we support medium-sized companies on the path to digitization. Modern tools like MeisterTask are a useful addition to established systems, regardless of the industry and company size. You too can benefit from our experience and know-how.


MDA Aceleradora Comercial Peru

MDA is the living connection between companies and customers: sales and service. As time passes and products evolve, so do clients and technology. Apps, CRMs, strategies, and geo-location have set the pace for the Era of Control. Companies need to keep up and trace movement, and MDA helps you through this change with MeisterTask.



COO at IPONOPI and Associate Director of FINAXIM Group, Laurent Peters is an expert in Organizational Change Management and Innovation Processes (Design Thinking). He uses MindMeister and MeisterTask to train teams and accelerate projects during his missions. He is also available for one-on-one or group training sessions.


Alexis van Dam Singapore

Alexis van Dam is a trainer, coach, and facilitator. He has 10+ years of experience in helping individuals, teams, and organizations to become more productive and effective. Originally from the Netherlands, he is currently based in Singapore. Due to the blend of his expertise in productivity, mind mapping, digital marketing, training, coaching, facilitating, moderating and speaking, he has worked closely with many organizations, MNCs and SMEs and teams all over the world.


Agentur STRUPAT.KundenBegeisterung! Germany

The full-service agency STRUPAT.KundenBegeisterung! supports organizations in strategic and entrepreneurial questions and challenges. Using MeisterTask, Ralf R. Strupat and his team successfully manage client projects focused on fast and straightforward team collaboration.


AM Group International Argentina

AM Group Internacional es una agencia y escuela de marketing digital ubicada en Buenos Aires. AM gestiona las redes sociales de sus clientes y ha formado a más de 1500 alumnos en cómo mejorar su gestión del trabajo diario.


Cloudwürdig GmbH Germany

Cloudwürdig GmbH consists of cloud experts for collaborative tools and supports public institutions and companies of all sizes — from startups to companies with several 1000 employees — in the introduction and effective use of MeisterTask and MindMeister. In addition to the technical implementation and individual configuration, the experienced team also offers workshops, training and support.


Cathy Fanning Australia

Cathy Fanning provides online training and consulting services incorporating Microsoft 365, Accounting apps and MeisterTask. Cathy has been involved in the IT industry for over two decades covering many different disciplines and industries. Cathy’s area of expertise is training.


Jörg Koper Germany

Jörg Koper has decades of experience as a self-employed entrepreneur in the field of experiential marketing and has developed and realized many projects with his teams. Jörg also conducts seminars and workshops for small and medium-sized companies, where the professional use of MindMeister and MeisterTask is taught. In addition, he is an ISO-certified coach


KCFG Medienagentur Germany

KCFG analyzes workflows of small and medium-sized businesses and creates concepts for optimizing processes using digital helpers such as MeisterTask. Digitalization can seem daunting and complex, but taking action is always more beneficial than sticking with outdated structures!

Torsten JasperExpert

Torsten Jasper Germany

Torsten Jasper is a financial and business adviser. He is an expert on marketing automation and process management for entrepreneurs and businesses in the financial services and trade industries. He helps clients digitalize their recurring processes with MeisterTask and subsequently automate them to optimize efficiency.


Der-Handwerkscoach Germany

“Der Handwerkscoach” offers comprehensive coaching and consulting services for tradespeople and small businesses. The consultants support organizations to optimize business processes, strategy and collaboration with a focus on digitalization.


BeNeCo Germany

Barbara Beyer is a consultant, coach, and networker specialized on the trade industry. In her workshops and her personal consultations she demonstrates practical use cases of MeisterTask as well as the many benefits of well-executed task management.

X SiebenExpert

X SIEBEN Austria

X SIEBEN is a training partner of IPMA® / pma and an expert for agile project management and coaching. In personalized workshops, X SIEBEN’s experienced agile experts prepare businesses and startups for the challenges of an agile world and how to navigate it successfully using Meister tools.

Lars BobachExpert

Lars Bobach Germany

Lars Bobach has more than seven years experience running a paperless office. Among other things, he has completely digitalized his trade business with more than 600 annual jobs and 30 employees with MeisterTask. As a speaker and trainer, he helps entrepreneurs and team leaders digitalize their processes successfully.


Raphael Moreira da Silva Brazil

Raphael is an administrator, scrum master, developer and an enthusiast of agile methodologies with over 7 years of experience in mobile and now focused on the use of Scrum. He uses MeisterTask to manage agile teams making projects generate value more quickly and increasing customers satisfaction. Raphael also offers consulting services in project management and individual training for the use of MeisterTask.


Tilman Möller Consult Germany

Tilman Möller is a consultant with +30 years of leadership experience. Since 2012 he helps companies, organizations and self-employed workers to reach their goal efficiently. He focuses specifically on strategy, marketing and productivity aspects. Tilman uses MindMeister and MeisterTask as part of his workflow and with/for customers. His working approach: “Doing right things right»


AppSphere AG Germany

AppSphere realizes modern IT workplace solutions and supports customers in their digital transformation. Through their expertise and a holistic examination of their customers’ needs, AppSphere creates modern workplaces for middle-sized and large businesses in various industries.


Steffen Müller Germany

Steffen Müller is an IT architect, digitalization consultant and data security expert. In his workshops and seminars he demonstrates how SMBs and other organizations can use MeisterTask to implement their IT security concepts in an agile way.


Julien Gueniat Switzerland

Julien Gueniat helps entrepreneurs, freelancers and coaches to boost their productivity and manage their stress with proven organization methods. On his website, he regularly writes about how MeisterTask can be used to improve collaboration and focus. Julien also offers personal consulting services and is available for one-on-one training sessions.


Ralf Schmidt Germany

Ralf Schmidt is a digital consultant and trainer for modern project management. In his seminars he demonstrates how individuals, businesses, and educational institutions can use MeisterTask to improve their productivity. He is also available for individual consulting on how to visualize your personal workflows in MeisterTask and implement it in your organization.


TNOC Switzerland

Ruud Janssen, CMM, DES (1970) is an international speaker, facilitator and designer of high stakes conferences and events. He is the founder of TNOC | The New Objective Collective (http://www.TNOC.org) and co-founder of Event Design Collective (http://edco.global). He helps organisations innovate by thinking differently based on functional, social and technological advancements using business and event model innovation.


DIGITALES GmbH – Uwe Matern Germany

Uwe Matern is an expert on digital transformation offering consultancy services for businesses of all sizes and industries. For his projects, he uses MeisterTask to manage tasks and to stay organized.


Dieter Hofer CDC Austria

As an expert on digital strategy, Dieter Hofer supports small and medium-sized businesses in all matters from ideation, to strategy planning, to the implementation of new structures. Using MindMeister and MeisterTask, he shows how teams can significantly improve transparency and productivity in their organization.


Thomas Mangold Austria

Thomas Mangold is a keynote speaker and author of multiple books on effective time management. He helps individuals to get organized and find more time for the truly important things in their lives. He also works with entrepreneurs, helping them increase the efficiency of their teams. You can learn more about him here: https://www.selbst-management.biz/ and here https://thomas-mangold.com and here http://selbstmanagement.rocks/!


Larida Consult Netherlands

Larida Consult helps teams and companies to work more effectively using MindMeister and MeisterTask. Their «solution in a box» helps achieve results within a single month and covers everything from an inventory of symptoms, a problem analysis, an intervention plan and finally the implementation of this plan.


Miriam Haberer Germany

Miriam Haberer is an optimization consultant for people who are self employed and small businesses. She advises on the topics of organization & structure, commercial administration, process design, human resources, sales & marketing, as well as web design & implementation. Miriam offers cross-industry solutions and develops an individually customized workflow with MeisterTask for you.


Stefan König – kingly digitized Germany

Stefan König is an expert on digitalisation and process automatisation focusing on project management, CRM and websites. With more than eighteen years experience, he supports SMBs in all industries with their digital transformation, using MindMeister and MeisterTask to help them reach their goals faster.


Markus Dreier – teamwork.DIGITAL Germany

teamwork.DIGITAL is an agile consultancy that helps clients create digital environments optimized for their needs. Using MindMeister, MeisterTask and other modern solutions, the team helps clients improve communication, create efficient, paperless workflows, and more.


Benjamin Floer Germany

Benjamin Floer is a time management trainer, podcaster and family man. He’s also a minimalist and techie, and as such loves using MindMeister and MeisterTask on his mobile devices. In his online courses he teaches people how to get on top of both business and family using Meister tools.


Daniel Rugel Germany

Daniel Rugel is an expert on digital transformation for handicraft businesses. In his workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions he demonstrates how to implement MeisterTask to optimize your workflows and improve transparency and productivity in your business.

App Store

G Suite Marketplace Worldwide

G Suite Marketplace offers a wide range of quality enterprise apps that add functionality and features to native Google Cloud apps, enhancing your G Suite experience. You can install MeisterTask directly from the G Suite Marketplace.



The CLOUDPILOTS Software & Consulting GmbH offers professional consulting services for organizations looking to implement cloud-based solutions. Based in Cologne, Germany, the company also holds offices in Austria and Switzerland.


Björn Bobach Germany

Björn Bobach offers consuting services and workshops on digitalization and project management with a special focus on team communication. In his workshops, he takes a close look at the group’s existing dynamics, communication and workflows to find ways to optimize them.


Lucía Jiménez Vida Spain

Lucia Jimenez Vida is a Marketing and Productivity Consultant & Mentor who helps women launch and grow their businesses. In her workshops, webinars, her YouTube channel and her online academy platform she demonstrates how entrepreneurs can use MindMeister and MeisterTask to improve productivity and manage projects efficiently.

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