Import and Collaboration Updates for MindMeister

We have just deployed one more update in the private beta phase to try out a few new features and fix some problems. As we’re running out of version numbers below 1.0, we’ll have to go live soon though anyway 😉

FOCUS Featured Image (Default)

This time we’ve added things like:

    • A new changes view to see who has done what on shared maps (use the button in the palette to switch it on)
    • Personal messages when sharing maps
    • Recenter map function
    • Ability to minimize the palette
    • Enhanced node editing and zooming
    • Import from Freemind / Mindmanager bugfixes

Thanks once again to everybody for the valuable feedback on the new features. We are working on a few more goodies that have been requested by many of our beta testers, such as notes on nodes and more positioning/formatting options. Above all though we want to make this a tool that is easy and fun to use for everybody, so please let us know if we’re getting there, and where we still need to improve!